Sometimes it seems that we know everything about children. But scientists do not agree with this point of view. It seems that the child is a favorite participant in scientific experiments. Sometimes the discoveries made as a result are very unexpected.
1. In Europe, people become parents at about the age of twenty-nine, while in Ukraine women bore their first child at the age of twenty, and in India this figure is even lower at the age of 18.
2. Today, the highest fertility rate is in Nigeria, where a woman gives birth to an average of up to eight children. The lowest level in Singapore, with about eight births per ten women.
3. Korean age is different than international age because you are automatically one year old at birth.
4. The average amount of blood in the body of a newborn baby is only about one glass.
5. Your child will probably not remember anything that happened to them before the age of three. This phenomenon called “infantile amnesia” or “childhood amnesia”.
6. Newborn babies cry, unlike any other sound, causes an emotional response in the human brain.
7. Babies have three times more taste buds than adults.
8. Newborns can see, but they probably don’t focus well at first, which is why their eyes may seem out of line or crossed at times during the first 2 to 3 months.
9. Children start to understand the home language before they begin to speak.
10. Babies can not cry tears. This is because sometimes a newborn’s tear ducts are not fully matured and hence he is unable to produce actual tears. Most babies start crying tears around 2 weeks of age, but some can take longer.
11. A child’s brain can use up to 50% of the total amount of glucose supply, which explains why babies sleep so much.
12. An infant has around 300 bones — and those bones are growing and changing shape every day. Many of your baby’s bones will fuse together, which means the actual number of bones will decrease and you will have only 206 bones by adulthood.
13. From birth to toilet training, a family has to buy about 8,000 disposable diapers.
14. A healthy child in the first year of life triples its weight. Girls at the age of 18 months and boys at the age of 24 months have a height that on average will correspond to half of their height in adulthood.
15. Gender identity is usually formed by age three. At this age children begin to notice and adopt gender-stereotyped behaviors.