Many studies are devoted to such an amazing phenomenon as a dream. Today we can say with confidence that dreams are a bright reflection of our subconscious. We have put together some interesting facts about sleep.
1. Long-term lack of sleep has a very negative impact on our physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation has often been used as a method of torture. A person without sleep can live up to ten days.
2. Cats spend two-thirds of their lives asleep.
3. Lack of sleep can cause symptoms similar to alcohol intoxication – memory disorders, a decrease in reaction, irritability. After three days without sleep, paranoia, language problems, auditory and visual hallucinations may occur.
4. Giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep during the day.
5. During sleep, the brain of whales and dolphins sleeps halfway. In order not to fall prey to predators, or to drown, while one part of the brain is fully functioning, the other is resting. Also interesting is that dolphins sleep with one opposite eye open.
6. Scientists have confirmed that animals can also see dreams. Studies have shown that the processes in the brain of animals during sleep are similar to human ones. You do not even need sophisticated equipment to prove it, for example, you can see how a puppy sleeps – ears are alert and paws tremble as when running.
7. Even the blind person from birth can “see dreams”. Of course, they can’t see the pictures, but they can have dreams where it’s all smell, hearing and some gustatory (taste).
8. Often in the dream, we see strangers, but our subconscious never invents new faces. In fact, we see real faces of real people.
9. People say that when someone snore they do not see dreams, but there is no scientific evidence for this theory.
10. Not always after waking up we can say with certainty that we have seen black and white or color dreams. According to scientists, not all dreams are colored, and more than 10% of people, in general, see only black and white dreams.
11. Some deaf people can also “talk” in their sleep, but only in sign language.
12. In a dream, people can walk and talk, but it is impossible to sneeze.
13. Sleeping burns more calories than watching TV.
14. The drug “Morphine” was named after the Greek god of dreams, Morpheus.