So many people around the world are overweight. Obesity causes many dangerous diseases and disrupts the natural rhythms of the internal organs. What exactly and how much to eat is, of course, only your business, but remember that you always have to moderate your portions.
1. In ancient Greek and Egyptian medicine, obesity was classified as a medical disorder.
2. Obesity is a global problem for humanity; today, more people worldwide suffer from obesity than from hunger.
3. In the US, one of three people are overweight and not surprisingly, because the average American eats more than ten pounds of candy a year.
4. According to research by the University of Texas, people who consume sugar-sweetened beverages are 70% more likely to be overweight than those who prefer coffee and tea with sugar.
5. Obesity is one of the top five sources of death worldwide. This causes more than 2.8 million deaths each year. The other four leading causes are high blood pressure, tobacco use, high blood glucose, and physical inactivity.
6. New research has shown that in rich countries, obesity is more common among lower educated people, while in poor countries, obesity is more common among higher educated people.
7. One of the reasons for the increasing percentage of obesity in the world is the deterioration of food quality. For example, as a result of breeding and changing the specificity of chicken production, chicken meat now contains 260% more fat than 50 years ago.
8. To burn the calories you get from eating french fries, cheeseburgers and coca, you need to walk for seven hours without stopping.
9. People who eat breakfast and lunch in cafes or restaurants are twice more likely to be obese than those who eat at home.
10. The proper diet of parents before conception plays an important role in the baby’s health.