Most religions consider lying a sin, for example in Buddhism it is called an unjust language. Lying is usually not an intentional evil and the reality is that all people lie because they have to make a quick decision and do not have time to think about the consequences of lying. Let’s learn the truth about lies together.
1. There are people who can hardly live without lies, scientists have even singled out a separate term – pathological lying. This tendency to lie is usually due to the desire to attract attention. Pathological liars may realize that they are lying or may believe that they are telling the truth.
2. In fact, we are all liars, but not all of us can admit it. Children typically begin lying in the preschool years, between two and four years of age.
3. The most common lie the world according to the survey is the phrase: “I’m fine.”
4. When people lie, the level of testosterone and cortisol in the body increases, as well as pulse and blood pressure. Lying causes a wide range of emotions, including shame, fear, guilt, and sometimes even joy.
5. Scientists have proven that lies are the engine of the evolution of social beings, so even animals can lie. The higher the level of animal communication, the more they are prone to lying.
6. If you want to catch someone lying, ask them to repeat the story from the end to the beginning. Because the liar has no memories that allegedly happened to him, it is very difficult to recreate a false story in reverse order. This is due to the fact that a person who lies does not expect that he will have to repeat the story again, especially backward. This method really works.
7. Polygraph or “lie detector” will fail 50 % of the time. A machine picks up your emotional reactions to questions, measuring breathing, sweating responses, and blood pressure. The examiner uses this information and other subjective evaluations for a diagnosis of what he thinks is truthful or deceptive. This subjectivity is part of the reason why the detectors are accepted as evidence in criminal cases in only about 20 states in the United States.
8. Another way to detect lies is the method of body language and facial expressions. American psychologist Paul Ekman has spent more than thirty years studying the theory of lies and today is a leading expert in this field. He has worked with politicians, businessmen, and even US government agencies. He is also the inspiration for the TV series Lie to Me.
9. “Truth Serum” doesn’t really force people to tell the truth. Under the influence of these drugs people unable to censor themselves and they would just empty their memories into a narrative statement. However, this can be both true and outright lies and fantasies.
10. Scientists from the University of Hertfordshire found that men are more likely to tell lies than women. According to a professor of evolutionary psychology Karen Payne, the average man lies 1092 times a year, and a woman – 728 times.