Few men can say with confidence that they know everything about women. A woman has always been a muse, that inspires incredible feats, and always remains a mystery that men have been trying to solve for centuries.
1. The Women’s Day was held on February 28, 1909, in New York City, organized by the Socialist Party of America, that was connected with working women’s rights. And two years later was celebrated the first “International Women’s Day”.
2. According to historians, high heels were originally worn by men, women began to wear them to look more independent and courageous. The ancient Greeks and Romans, regardless of gender, also wore low-heeled shoes. High-heeled shoes were worn by King Louis XIV of France as early as 1660, and the heel on some of them exceeded ten centimeters.
3. An essential attribute of a women’s cosmetic bag is lipstick. On average, women consume about 4 to 9 pounds of lipstick over their lifetime! While this number differs between every makeup user and how often they wear lipstick, it does affect everyone who wears lipstick.
4. It is a well-known fact that women live longer than men. This phenomenon is observed all over the world. One of the reasons is that men live less healthful lifestyles and they are also less likely to seek medical help early. Another reason is that male sex hormones decrease immune function and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
5. Young Ukrainian mathematician awarded for solving a centuries-old problem. Ukrainian scientist Maryna Viazovska has been awarded the Salem Prize 2016, a prestigious distinction in mathematics. Viazovska has solved two high-dimensional versions of the “sphere packing” problem. This is a real breakthrough in modern mathematics.
6. On June 16, 1963 Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, the first woman-cosmonaut took the flight on ‘Vostok-6’ spacecraft and she is the only woman who has made a space flight on her own.
7. Even in the early years of the modern Olympics, women were not well represented. Women participated for the first time at the 1900 Paris Games with the inclusion of women’s events in lawn tennis and golf. Women’s athletics and gymnastics debuted at the 1928 Olympics.
8. The research from Yale University has found that women have more taste buds on their tongues, then men. About 35% of women can call themselves “supertasters,” which means they identify flavors such as bitter, sweet, and sour more strongly than others.
9. Saint Lucia is the island that was discovered by Columbus on December 13, 1502, on St. Lucia’s Day and one of two countries in the world named after a woman (Ireland is named after the Celtic goddess of fertility Eire) and the only country named after a historical woman.
10. Around the world, nations have their own militaries. The most compulsory service is for adult males. However, there are also nations that have compulsory service for women. These countries are Armenia, Cape Verde, Chad, China, Eritrea, Israel, Norway, North Korea, and Sweden.
11. Every 90 seconds, a woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth. Most of these deaths are preventable, but due to gender-based discrimination many women are not given the proper education or care they need.
12. 603 million women live in countries where domestic violence is not yet considered a crime. Women make up 80% of all refugees and displaced people. Instruments of genocide such as sexual violence and rape are often directed at women and girls.