Almost all the people know the names of Joey, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe. The comedy TV show “Friends” was one of the most successful shows in the world in the 1990s and is still being shown in various countries. “Friends” won the Emmy Award six times, with a total of 44 nominations, the series also received the Golden Globe and the Actors Guild Awards.
1. In each episode of the Friends, the word “friends” is mentioned at least once.
2. At the time of the series premiere, the cast of Matt LeBlanc, David Schwimmer, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, and even Jennifer Aniston was unpopular and only Courteney Cox was well known because she was already on the show “Family Ties”.
3. The episodes were filmed in front of a live studio audience, except for cliffhangers. So the laugh that you can hear behind the scenes is real, and the studio could hold up to three hundred fans.
4. Although the events of the series take place in the city of New York, the show was never actually filmed there.
5. The fountain in the iconic opening scene is actually not in Manhattan or even in New York. In fact, the scene was filmed at a Warner Brothers Ranch in Burbank, California.
6. Bruce Willis has guest-starred in several episodes of “Friends” as he lost a bet to Matthew Perry during the filming of “Whole Nine Yards”. And although Bruce donated all the money he made from the show.
7. One of three voice actors from the animated sitcom The Simpsons that appear on Friends was Phoebe’s scientist boyfriend David, who left to Minsk for his career, played by Hank Azaria, who voices Apu and Moe. Another two who starred were Harry Shearer, who voiced Smithers, and Daniel Castellaneta, who voiced Homer Simpson.
8. Many interesting facts about minor actor James Michael Tyler, who played the cafe manager – Hunter. He was cast for the role because he was the only one who knew how to use an espresso machine, also James is a natural brunette, and for ten years he had to bleach his hair every week.
9. The character of the Hunter did not have a name until the second season, and the actor James Michael Tyler while filming the sitcom, actually worked in a coffee shop until the fourth season.
10. Lisa Kudrow, who played Phoebe, was actually terribly afraid of the duck that lived in Joey and Chandler’s apartment.
11. The Phoebe pregnancy was written into the show after Kudrow announced her real-life pregnancy during the filming of Season 4.
12. Jennifer Aniston managed to play starring roles on three projects at the same time. She appeared in the TV show “Friends”, in the movie “Along come Polly” and the comedy “Bruce Almighty”.
13. Marcel – a capuchin monkey who lived with Ross is actually a girl and her name is Katie. After starring in the show, she became a real star and appearing alongside Jean-Claude van Damme in the movie Outbreak 2.
14. The name of the pilot episode also is known as “The Pilot” and the last one-hour series finale – “The Last One”.
15. The last episode of the Friends brought NBC more than seventy million dollars. The cost of buying one advert during the final episode cost four million dollars. According to various estimates, the last episode of the premiere was watched by more than 52 million people.