Not only is Charlie Chaplin the first world-famous comedian, but he is also one of the few people who is still remembered and directly associated with silent cinema. That is why we offer you a few interesting facts about Charlie Chaplin.
1. Сomedy films with the participation of Charlie Chaplin were once considered low-level humor and a morally dubious form of entertainment.
2. Chaplin was a perfectionist, when he was working on his short films he was taking the same scene a lot of times. In the movie “City Lights”, actress Virginia Cherrill was forced to re-do one scene 342 times. She only had to say two words: “Flower, sir,” but Chaplin insisted that she need to sound exactly the way he wanted it.
3. Although the relationship toward Charlie Chaplin was rather ambiguous, he became the first actor to appear on the cover of “Time” magazine in 1925.
4. Since Charlie Chaplin starred only in black and white films, most people thought he had brown eyes. In fact, the color of his eyes is blue.
5. Because Chaplin was suspected of communists, his prints were removed from the Walk of Fame in Hollywood, and unfortunately it considered as lost.
6. Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889, in London, four days after Adolf Hitler’s birth.
7. Queen Elizabeth II dedicated Charlie Chaplin to the Knight when he was 85 years old.
8. Charlie Chaplin spent almost half his life in the United States, he never received his citizenship. And in 1953, due to his refusal to accept citizenship, he was deported from the country. He lived the rest of his life in the small town of Vevey, Switzerland.
9. Over the course of his career, Chaplin has made over $ 10 million in his films.
10. Four years after Charlie Chaplin’s death, Ukrainian astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina named the asteroid 3623 Chaplin in his honor. It is in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.