Is there at least one person in the world who has not heard about Albert Einstein? He is called the “father of modern theoretical physics”, because countless scientific discoveries were made precisely thanks to him, both during his lifetime and after his death.
1. Einstein did not speak until he was 3 years old and was very slow.
2. Throughout his life he published more than three hundred scientific papers as well as about one and a half hundred non-scientific works in other fields.
3. Although Albert lived and worked in the United States for many years, he claimed that he never learned how to write in English.
4. Einstein’s one of the most iconic photographs of all time, in which he sticks his tongue out. When he was asked by photographer Arthur Sasse to smile for the camera, on the occasion of his 72nd birthday on March 14, 1951.
5. The second wife of Albert Einstein was his second cousin on the father’s side.
6. Albert Einstein’s eyes still remain in the safe box of one of the banks in New York.
7. Einstein has never received the Nobel Prize for the relativity theory, although he was nominated about 60 times, and he received the highest scientific award for explaining the photoelectric effect.
8. The Nobel Prize money went to Albert’s ex-wife as a divorce settlement.
9. Einstein would charge people $ 1 for an autograph. After that, he donated all the money he raised to charity.
10. Shortly before his death, Einstein practically completed the scientific work, which he considered one of the most important in his life, but burned all the manuscripts without publishing them.
11. Einstein’s youngest son ended his life in a psychiatric clinic. He suffered from dementia.
12. Einstein didn’t want his brain to be studied. But it was stolen several hours after death.