A lot of people think, that we are not going to learn anything interesting about water anymore, but the water is hiding so many mysterious things and every day scientists discover more unbelievable facts. Everyone knows that water is the basis of life.
1. According to scientists from the Vernadsky Institute, together with scientists from Germany and France, the age of water on Earth is more than 2.7 billion years.
2. The water on our Earth today is the same water that’s been here when the life arose on Earth. This means there is a high chance the water in your glass is what dinosaurs were gulping many years ago.
3. Only a tiny bit of it has escaped out into space. As far as we know, new water hasn’t formed either. That is why we will never have more water than right now.
4. The total volume of water on Earth is more than 335 million cubic miles or 523 cubic kilometers.
5. Every year more than 577 thousand cubic kilometers of water evaporates from the Earth’s surface.
6. The Earth’s mantle contains ten times more water than in all the oceans.
7. More than 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, but only 2% is potable.
8. The main amount of freshwater is frozen in glaciers.
9. Also, interesting is the fact that the Pacific Ocean is less salty than the Atlantic.
10. 46.1% of the volume of the world’s oceanic water is contained in the Pacific, 29.9% in the Atlantic, 20.3% in the Indian and 3.7% in the Arctic Ocean.
11. The total volume of the Antarctic ice is 30 million cubic kilometers.
12. The average surface temperature of the world’s ocean is 17.4 degrees Celsius.
13. If an iron ball is cast into the Mariana Trench (depth 11 002 ± 40 m), it will take more than an hour for it to reach the bottom.
14. Seawater is rich in nutrients and can contain up to one and a half grams of protein per cubic centimeter of water.
15. If all the glaciers on our planet are melted, more than 12% of the land will disappear underwater and the water level in the oceans will rise by 65 m.
16. Every day, over a trillion tons of water, evaporates from the Earth’s surface.
17. The largest inland water body in the world is the Hudson’s Bay in northeastern Canada with a surface area of 1,230,000 km2.
18. Open water reflects only 7% of the incident solar radiation, compared to 85% for snow‐covered sea ice and 65% for bare sea ice.
19. A teaspoon of water (about 5 ml) contains 2×1023 water molecules.
20. Water is a very good solvent and therefore does not exist in pure form in nature.
21. Only water in nature can exist in three different forms: solid, liquid, and gas.
22. Scientists emit more than 1300 types of water.
23. Hot water can freeze faster than cold water.
24. Extinguish fires more effectively with hot water.
25. When water freezes, it expands by approximately 9%, often causing damage to pipes and containers where it is stored.
26. Cold water is absorbed by the sponge more than hot water.
27. Sound travels five times faster in water than in air.
28. It is proved that when distilled water is heated in a microwave, it is possible that it will “explode”. This is due to the fact that distilled water can be heated above the boiling point.
29. Seawater starts to freeze at about 1.91°C.
30. When exploring new planets, scientists first look for water.
31. In Jupiter, the weather as on Earth depends on the water cycle in the atmosphere.
32. Scientists have found ice on other planets in the Solar System.
33. Europa is one of Jupiter’s many moons that are completely ice-covered.
34. A comet’s nucleus is like a dirty snowball made of ice. The panspermia hypothesis was based on this fact.
35. Earth’s first cellular life probably arose in water.
36. Unlike most liquids, water freezes not evenly, but from top to bottom, which allows aquatic animals to survive even during the cold season.
37. Protein cannot exist without water, and as we all know, it is the basis of all living organisms.
38. Water is the second most important nutrient after oxygen.
39. Water in the cell of a human body is a kind of generator of electric and magnetic energy.
40. Water is universal and one of the most common solvents on Earth. It transports all useful substances to the human body with food, as well as removes harmful and toxic substances from the body.
41. The amount of water in the human body ranges from 60-80% and all it varies according to your age and gender.
42. Our blood is more than 80% of water.
43. Our brain is about 75% water. When the body is dehydrated, it causes headaches and mental exhaustion.
44. In the spine, water provides flexibility and elasticity.
45. Thirst is a good indicator that the person is dehydrated to a level of 0.8-2% loss of body water.
46. When we lose two percent of body water, our mental and physical activity decreases by 20%.
47. If you lost more than 10% of water, you will experience auditory and visual hallucinations. Mostly the loss of water explains the phenomenon of “desert mirages”.
48. If the loss of body water more than 12-13%, without medical treatment, a person may die.
49. A loss of 20% of the fluid content is fatal.
50. Depending on the climatic conditions, a person can go without food for up to two weeks, but without water, only a week.