Crocodile is one of the most dangerous predators on our planet. For many years, scientists have been studying crocodiles. During this time, a lot of information has been collected, as well as incredible facts. Learn the most interesting right now!
1. In some ancient cultures, crocodiles were worshiped. For example, Sebek, the ancient Egyptian deity, whom they considered the owner of the Nile, was represented as a human with a crocodile head.
2. Crocodiles were even kept as sacred animals in the temples in ancient Egypt, which was highly respected. After death, it was preserved through the process of mummification.
3. Even today, The crocodile plays a significant part in the Papua New Guinea culture. Near the Sepik River, there is a home to an incredible tribe known as the Crocodile Tribe. Aside from the fact that tribal people worship crocodiles, they even make special scars on their skin to look like them.
4. The female crocodile lays up to eighty eggs, which she aggressively protects. But losses of baby crocodiles are heavy due to various predators and unrelated crocodiles of their own species. Only approximately 1% will survive to adulthood.
5. After the eggs have hatched, the female crocodiles carefully transport the baby to the water in her jaw.
6. The largest living reptile in the world can be found in India and northern Australia. It’s known as the Saltwater (Crocodylus porosus) or Indo-Pacific Crocodile, it grows over seven meters in length and can weigh up to thousands of kilograms. Even at just over four meters in size, some species can weigh half a ton.
7. Crocodile teeth as in sharks are constantly changing throughout their life. They do not chew the food, they rip and tear and crush, then swallow it whole or in large chunks.
8. To make it easier to digest food, crocodiles swallow rocks, which help crush and grate food, and also helps them to stay underwater for longer periods of time.
9. Often crocodiles can be found with a wide-open jaw, and this is not an aggressive bullying posture, it helps their body cool down.
10. Crocodiles have incredibly hard skin. But contrary to the common myth, crocodile skin is not bulletproof.
11. The first crocodiles appeared more than 240 million years ago. Modern crocodiles are excellent predators and masters of survival and that is why they managed to survive the dinosaurs. In nature, they can live up to 80 years.
12. A well-fed crocodile will never attack a potential victim even if it guarantees success – he’s just lazy.