Wolves are highly intelligent animals and they are widespread almost all over the world. A ferocious predator demonstrates mastery during hunting, and loyalty and care in a pack. People still can not solve the mystery of this beautiful animal. Further, we suggest you read some fascinating facts about wolves.
1. Wolves many subspecies and all of them have a specific howl, which is used to communicate with each other.
2. The alpha male of the wolf pack always goes first, lifting tail high to demonstrate his position.
3. The leaders in a wolves pack not only the alpha male, but also the female. They are the only wolves that breed and produce pups in the pack, and they also get to eat first at kills.
4. In 1967, grey wolves were the first animals to be protected as endangered species.
5. The average weight for an adult male wolf is about 70 to 110 pounds, the females are a little lighter in between 50 and 85 pounds. The biggest wolf has ever caught was 175 pounds.
6. Wolves are very picky about choosing a partner and mostly have a mate for life.
7. Wolves do not migrate but travel over large areas to hunt, sometimes as far as 30 miles in a day; dispersing wolves may travel hundreds of miles in seeking mates.
8. All wolf puppies are born blind and deaf and completely dependent on their parents. Most pups are born with blue eyes, which turns yellow only after about eight months.
9. Wolves are able to survive without food for up to 2 weeks or even longer, practically without reducing activity.
10. The hearing of these animals is incredibly sensitive. In open space, they are able to hear the sound at a distance of 7-8 km, or even more.
11. The eyes of wolves are well adapted to hunting in the dark. The cornea has a specific layer that reflects light well, which is why in ancient times people were terribly afraid of wolves and gave them mystical power.
12. Wolves have forty times more olfactory receptors than humans, which allows them to smell prey at a distance of more than one and a half kilometers.
13. The wolf is able to jump to a height of five meters.
14. Wolves with black fur are only found in North America. The color is the result of long-ago dalliances with domestic dogs, probably the companions of the earliest Native Americans.
15. The most ancient cave paintings of wolves are about 20 thousand years old.