Can you imagine a world without bread? We can’t either. Bread has no cultural boundaries and is probably the only food consumed by people of any race, culture or religion. Bread is a worldwide sign of peace. We hope our interesting facts will give you a new perspective on it.
1. The ancient Romans greatly appreciated the bread and the people who made it. That is why slaves who were able to bake bread cost as much as gladiators. The bread was so important to the Egyptians that it was used as cash. In 2500 BC, the Ancient Greeks were able to bake more than 80 types of bread.
2. People have been eating wheat for over ten thousand years. In ancient times, the first bread cakes were prepared by ground wheat grains, then mixed with water and baked on a stone in a thin layer. This continued until yeast was invented. It is with the help of yeast that the dough rises and becomes puffy, and after baking we get the bread we are familiar with.
3. Breadfruit is an important food source in the Pacific Islands. Before being eaten, the fruit are roasted, baked, fried or boiled. People also bake bread and pancakes from it.
4. You can get about 20 milligrams of flour from one grain and you need about 10 thousand grains to bake one bread.
5. The total volume of water used to grow wheat and make one loaf of bread is over 420 gallons.
6. According to various studies, people in the world eat more than 9 million loaves of bread every day.
7. English scientists estimate that in the UK, more than 60% of the flour is used to make bread, and 32% of that bread is thrown away.
8. Everyone knows that rye bread is healthier, but not everyone knows that rye, in the fields of barley and wheat, has been considered as a weed for a long time.
9. A family of four can live on bread obtained on one acre of wheat for 10 years.
10. If you eat a sandwich for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it will take you more than two months to eat the amount of bread made from 22 lb of grain.
11. In 5 seconds, a modern combine harvester can harvest enough wheat to bake more than 35 loaves of bread.
12. White bread made from purified flour contains significantly less protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals than whole grain bread. Wholegrain bread is rich in antioxidants and reduces the risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes.