Apples are full of nutrients that keep your body healthy and promote digestion. People have long been aware of the nutritional content of apples and perhaps that is why it is often featured in a variety of myths and legends. We hope our interesting facts will be another reason for you to eat an apple.
1. According to archaeologists, apples began to consume 8.5 thousand years ago.
2. Apples came to Europe thanks to Roman soldiers and were considered a luxury and a sign of wealth in ancient times. Apples were a must-have on the tables of the wealthy Greeks and Romans.
3. Apple juice has no color and is clear as water. When squeezed, apple juice turns brown due to its reaction with oxygen from the air.
4. If the apple is cut across, you will discover a five-pointed star (pentagram) inside, which symbolizes the five elements of earth, air, fire, spirit, and water. That is why the ancient alchemists considered the apple a symbol of knowledge.
5. Apple is one of the most produced fruits in the world. China, the USA, and Poland are the top three countries in the production of apple. According to the USDA, China is producing 44 million tonnes of apple per year.
6. To make one liter of apple cider, you need about ten apples.
7. Due to the specific climate in Africa, apples are grown only in the Mediterranean countries.
8. In Europe, the average person eats about 65 apples each year.
9. In 1940, an American plant breeder Albert Etter developed an unusual variety of pink-fleshed apple. It was named Pink Pearls and was patented in 1944, and the following year it was presented in catalogs for gardeners.
10. Famous actress and singer Gwyneth Paltrow named her first daughter Apple Blythe Alison Martin.
11. Have you ever wondered why apples float and not sink? The answer is quite simple – 25% of their volume is air, if an item is denser than water it will sink, it is less dense it will float. Fresh apples have a lower density than water.
12. Apple seeds contain a small amount of toxic cyanide – a very dangerous and poisonous substance, but our body can process small doses of it. To get poisoning you need to eat a lot of seeds (about 200).
13. The total volume of water used to grow one apple weighing 150 grams is about 125 liters, and it takes more than 1100 liters of water to make one liter of apple juice.
14. Even if you eat an apple a day, it will take you more than twenty years to try each of the more than seven thousand varieties of apples grown around the world.